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A Catholic Case for School Choice in America

Parents, as the primary educators of their children, have the natural right and responsibility to choose the educational setting that best serves their child's needs.

Photo by Element5 Digital / Unsplash

As Catholics in the United States, we are called to uphold the dignity of the human person, promote the common good, and ensure that all individuals have access to opportunities that foster their flourishing. One powerful way to live out these values is by supporting school choice—a policy that gives families the freedom to choose the best educational environment for their children, whether that is a public, charter, private, or parochial school. In an increasingly diverse and complex society, school choice is not only an issue of parental rights but also one of justice, and the Catholic mission to serve the poor and marginalized.

Upholding the Dignity of the Family and the Child

The Catholic Church has long emphasized the central role of the family in nurturing the faith and development of children. The family is the "domestic church" where children first learn values, virtue, and the faith itself. Parents, as the primary educators of their children, have the natural right and responsibility to choose the educational setting that best serves their child's needs. School choice empowers parents to fulfill this responsibility, allowing them to make decisions that reflect their values, needs, and circumstances.

In many parts of the U.S., however, this right is constrained by geographical or financial limitations. Families who are trapped in underperforming public schools often have few options to escape failing educational systems. For these families, especially those in lower-income or minority communities, school choice offers an opportunity to seek a better future for their children—one that provides not only academic excellence but also moral formation consistent with Catholic teachings.

Promoting Justice

Catholic social teaching calls for a preferential option for the poor and vulnerable. Supporting school choice is an extension of this principle. The current public school system, while serving many well, often fails the most disadvantaged students. Low-income families, particularly those in inner-city or rural areas, are often forced to send their children to schools that are underfunded, overcrowded, and unsafe. Catholic schools provide a strong alternative—offering rigorous academic instruction, personalized attention, and a moral framework that aligns with Catholic values.

By supporting school choice policies like vouchers, tax credit scholarships, and Education Savings Accounts (ESAs), Catholics can help level the playing field for all families, especially those who cannot afford the tuition at private schools. These programs allow parents to choose schools that best suit their children's academic, social, and spiritual development, regardless of their income level.

Strengthening Catholic Education

Catholic schools in the U.S. have a proud history of providing high-quality education while integrating faith into all aspects of learning. However, rising costs and reduced enrollment have placed many Catholic schools under financial strain. School choice can play a crucial role in sustaining and strengthening Catholic education by providing families with the means to send their children to Catholic schools. This is particularly important in urban and underserved areas, where Catholic schools often serve as a beacon of hope.

Support for school choice can also help foster a greater diversity of educational options within the Catholic sector. By embracing policies that allow for educational choice, Catholics can help ensure that Catholic schools remain accessible and vibrant, offering an alternative that meets the needs of modern families.

Final thoughts

Catholics in the U.S. are called to be advocates for the marginalized, the poor, and the vulnerable—those who often find themselves without the power to choose their children’s educational path. School choice is a natural extension of this call, offering parents the opportunity to choose the best educational setting for their children, particularly those in low-income communities. It is a way to empower families and ensure that Catholic values continue to shape the next generation. For these reasons, Catholics should strongly support school choice policies that promote access to high-quality education for all.

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