What’s Next? TCP’s Top Trends for the Rest of 2025
In 2025, Catholic professionals around the world are embracing these trends to foster personal growth, professional development, and a deeper integration of faith into their careers.
In 2025, Catholic professionals around the world are embracing these trends to foster personal growth, professional development, and a deeper integration of faith into their careers.
Parents, as the primary educators of their children, have the natural right and responsibility to choose the educational setting that best serves their child's needs.
The Presentation of Our Lord offers rich insights for Catholic professionals seeking to lead with integrity, vision, humility, and mercy.
For Catholic professionals, his wisdom offers essential lessons for leadership, especially in navigating the complexities of the modern world while staying true to the moral and spiritual teachings of the Church.
The key lies in establishing consistent practices that bridge the apparent gap between your spiritual life and the professional demands, creating a harmony.
By studying their stories, professionals can find guidance not only in achieving career success but also in navigating challenges with integrity and purpose.
Building a faith-focused network isn’t just about fostering career connections—it’s about creating a community of like-minded professionals who can support each other in both personal and professional endeavors.
In a city that balances tradition with modernity, lay Catholics have the opportunity to make visible the transforming power of the Christian faith
This is not simply about achieving more or being more successful, but about making choices that deepen your relationship with God and others.
As these fields continue to expand, they provide fertile ground for Catholic professionals to live out their vocations while participating in the Church's mission to transform the temporal order.
In London, a city of endless opportunities and challenges, the Catholic community is called to shine as a beacon of hope, committed to the values of the Gospel and to bringing those values to bear on the world.
Board service is a powerful avenue for Catholic professionals to be servant leaders, making a difference in their communities while also strengthening their own careers.
Follow TCP's 4-part series on lay Catholic leadership for civil society (Excerpts from the book Catholic Leadership for Civil Society) and start on a journey to understand the authentic character of the lay vocation. It’s your turn, lead!
Follow TCP's 4-part series on lay Catholic leadership for civil society (Excerpts from the book Catholic Leadership for Civil Society) and start on a journey to understand the authentic character of the lay vocation. It’s your turn, lead!
Despite its central position in the Church, Rome faces challenges that echo broader European trends. Secularism, materialism, and a disconnection from religious practices have influenced even the city's own inhabitants.
The Epiphany is not just a solemnity in the liturgical calendar or a historical event; it can be a living example of how we, as Catholic professionals, can approach leadership in the world.