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On this feast of St. Juan Diego, one of the patron saints of our parent organization, Tepeyac Leadership, we’d like to share with you something special that we discovered not too long ago.

On this feast of St. Juan Diego, one of the patron saints of our parent organization, Tepeyac Leadership, we’d like to share with you something special that we discovered not too long ago.

There is a prayer found on the internet, a prayer to St. Juan Diego for those looking for work. It’s a beautiful prayer, which we learned from someone who told us about the enormous blessings he received as an answer to the prayer. As we inquired a bit more and asked around, we realized several others had been blessed by finding—very good— work after saying the prayer.

The beautiful testimonies of intercessory efficacy only made the prayer more intriguing to us. We decided to investigate a bit about the origin of the prayer. The earliest online publication we could find is found in Andrew Cusack’s blog. He is an American Catholic, now based in London. When we asked Andrew about the origin of the prayer, he wrote back to us saying “I am not aware of the origins of the prayer. It was given to me over a decade ago by a friend in the format of a photocopy. It must be at the very least twenty years old based on when she had first heard of it.”

So, there you have it. The prayer’s origin is unknown to us, but as with all things St. Juan Diego, we can’t help but to identify closely with its words and message. Without further due…


Dear Juan Diego,

When the Lady of Tepeyac Hill gave you her picture, she also gave you a task to fill your days with happy labor.

It was your privilege and joy to spend the hours caring for the chapel of the Tilma, telling its story to those who came there.

Here, the time of your earthly pilgrimage passed quickly and happily because you worked for Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Dear Juan Diego, please help me to find steady employment, that my time and talent may be devoted to the tasks suited to my nature and ability.

May my hours of toil, then, give fair return and more to him who hires me.

May my work not be done for mere profit or just to make a living. Rather, may it be done to make of myself one more able to honor the Creator.

May it be done with reverence and appreciation of the materials, all supplied by God, and only modified by man.

May my work be done to enjoy the benefits of skilled and honest craftsmanship.

And especially let my work be done to make known and lead others to love the same Lady you serve so well.

Through Christ Our Lord,


Happy feast of St. Juan Diego! May his and Our Lady of Guadalupe’s intercession, lead you to find work.



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