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Nurturing Professional Relationships: 5 Tips on Networking Follow-Up

"By praying for others and making prayer time to reflect on your interactions and relationships with others, you are acting as a vessel of the Holy Spirit and building the Kingdom of God."

Happy Easter Season!

Let’s continue to spread our Easter joy in every interaction, cultivating this joy within each of our professional relationships. Celebrating Easter can be done via following up as we network and build and invest in long-lasting connections.

In our previous Networking 101 article, we outlined some effective ways to connect and network as Catholic professionals. Attending professional industry networking events, volunteering, joining Catholic or secular professional association groups, attending professional conferences, and even organizing your own networking events can provide valuable opportunities for Catholic professionals to cultivate long-term business relationships and advance your career. Networking is a slow, long-term process that requires ongoing follow-up, effort, time, and proactive engagement. It can take years to cultivate and nurture trust and mutually beneficial relationships. Leveraging these professional relationships may bear fruit in multiple forms such as mentorship, career feedback, industry insight, collaborations, possible new clients, partnerships, and limitless opportunities.

Here are a few best practices for effective networking follow-up:

  1. Promptly Send Personalized Follow-Up Messages

After attending a networking event, it's very important to promptly follow up with individuals you've connected with. Add them on LinkedIn and engage with them on social media. Send personalized follow-up messages expressing appreciation for the opportunity to meet, referencing specific points of conversation or shared interests. 

  1. Schedule One-on-One Meetings or Virtual Coffee Chats

Ask your new connection to meet briefly for an in person or virtual one-on-one meeting to further explore common interests, discuss potential collaboration opportunities, and deepen your professional relationship. Review their website or profile, prepare thoughtful questions and actively listen to the other person's insights and perspectives. 

  1. Engage in Reciprocal Acts of Support

Demonstrate a spirit of generosity and reciprocity in your professional relationships by actively seeking ways to support and uplift others within the Catholic or secular professional community. Offer assistance, resources, or introductions to individuals who may benefit from your expertise or connections. Likewise, ask for help, support, or guidance when needed. In doing so, you are creating your own trusted “Personal Advisory Board” as a support group.

  1. Follow Up Periodically and Maintain Regular Communication

Building connections requires consistent effort and communication. Be proactive in sharing relevant articles, resources, or opportunities that may be of interest to your network. By maintaining regular communication and demonstrating genuine interest in the well-being and success of others, you can foster enduring professional relationships built on trust and mutual respect.

Follow up with other professionals by sending personalized follow-up emails or messages expressing gratitude, referencing specific points of conversation or shared interests. By praying for others and making prayer time to reflect on your interactions and relationships with others, you are acting as a vessel of the Holy Spirit and building the Kingdom of God. By practicing faith, hope, and love, your consistent follow up is showing God’s love and helps you build your network professional resource pool. May you continue to spread the Easter joy in all of your professional interactions. Happy networking!

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