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The Real Teaching of the Catholic Church on Immigration

The CLCS Podcast is hosted by Erin Monnin and Cristofer Pereyra

The Real Teaching of the Catholic Church on Immigration

The teaching of the Church on immigration is one of the most misunderstood. While the Catholic Church does not advocate for an open borders policy on immigration, it is clear to point out the duty of all Catholics to treat immigrants with justice, compassion and respect to their human dignity. Don’t miss this episode of CLCS.

The Catholic Leadership for Civil Society podcast is a space about Catholic leadership, but not for the parish or the diocese. This is Catholic leadership for the world! Stay with us and allows us to share with you a vision—handed to us by the Second Vatican Council—to help advance the mission of the Church. It all boils down to one idea: engaging society as civic leaders. This podcast is hosted by Erin Monnin and Cristofer Pereyra, authors of the book Catholic Leadership for Civil Society. Join our live recordings Thursdays at 9 a.m. PST on Clubhouse.


Investing In You – and Your Career

Investing In You – and Your Career

In business, there is a term called ‘Return on Investment’, or ROI, used to determine what sort of benefit you receive from the amount of money or time you put into something. In digital marketing, the number of conversions that lead to purchases (i.e. profit) would be a good

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Recognizing Imposter Syndrome

Recognizing Imposter Syndrome

By Estyn Elan “Having difficulty acknowledging praise, anxiety, depression, burn-out and an inability to enjoy the success they have earned." These are the findings from current research by the Behavioral Sciences Journal on the presence of imposter syndrome in the lives of professionals. The issue with imposter syndrome typically

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Eucharistic Revival in the Workplace

Eucharistic Revival in the Workplace

The Eucharist is the source and summit of Christian life. Valuing the Eucharist in the workplace can offer profound insights and practices that can transform our daily life. Here are some tips on how we can integrate the theme of Eucharistic Revival into our day-to-day work: 1. Spirit of Gratitude

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