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Prepare to Be Inspired by the TLI 2024 Leadership Commitments

The leadership commitments are the result of a five-month discernment process by each Tepeyac Leadership Initiative (TLI) program-participant.

The leadership commitments are the result of a five-month discernment process by each Tepeyac Leadership Initiative (TLI) program-participant. They are the fruit from each participant’s journey through TLI. At the conclusion of the program, each participant reads his or her own leadership commitment during Tepeyac Leadership Night. The following are this year’s leadership commitments.

Miguel Acero

My leadership commitment is made up of two components that are rooted in my experience as the leader of my home, the domestic church, and leader in the world, the community. I first commit to dedicating more time and purpose on engaging my family into our faith by going beyond attending church on weekends and praying before meals. My focus will be to learn more about ways of immersing ourselves in more faith related activities. I then commit to sharing my gifts with our catholic community of young people in high school, college, and those in the professional world. Sharing my experiences and gifts in hope that individuals I meet can live a fruitful life, never losing sight that God is always present.

Hector Aceves  

Recognizing that I am in a privileged position that carries great responsibility I will endeavor to defend, protect and save life as a Physician. I will use my position of authority, my knowledge of medicine and science to defend the unborn, children, the elderly and those least able to speak for themselves. I will encourage fellow physicians to be philanthropists, to give of their talent, time and wealth to Holy Mother Church. I will go on medical missions in service of Holy Mother Church and will help further the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth.

Michael Alarcon

The TLI program has inspired me to continue educating myself on Catholic Social Doctrine and the wisdom of the Church. Our post-Christian society has forgotten our Judeo-Christian founding and America is suffering as a result. Catholics cannot abdicate our responsibility as citizens.  My leadership commitment is to help form and lead Faithful Citizenship groups within local parishes in the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee.  These groups are designed to identify, support, elect, and pray for Catholics engaged in local politics. I will connect with elected officials who are Catholic and introduce them to TLI and encourage them to apply the principles of dignity of all human life, common good, subsidiarity, and solidarity as they debate and pass legislation. I will also explore joining a special district board or commission to advocate for the common good in my local city and county government. In the short term, I will join the local pro-life coalition to help defeat Amendment 4 which seeks to allow abortion up-until-birth in Florida through grassroots and digital marketing campaigns.

AnnMarie Baba

What I’ve learned from TLI is that I can be a leader anywhere, including my parish, community, place of work, and in organizations that support the mission of the Catholic Church. My commitment is to be a better leader in each of these places with a focus on helping the youth and elderly. I also aspire to find a board position in a Catholic media company or seminary so I can help evangelize the faith and create interest in vocations.

Jon Bachura

I commit to serving TLI as a volunteer consultant, helping the team with the educational curriculum used in the TLI program. It will be my pleasure to help with advising on the materials used, the scope and sequence of the educational content, opportunities to innovate the user experience regarding the educational content, and any other tasks as requested. Additionally, in my local community, I have joined the marketing committee of the Catholic Assembly of Business (CAB) and have made my intention to join the CAB board of directors. I hope to be nominated and elected to the board this fall.

Albana Bikaj

As a graduate of the Tepeyac Leadership Initiative, my commitment is to apply the insights and lessons learned from our speakers to my community through professional and personal initiatives. I will defend human dignity and the common good, attempting to incorporate these core Catholic values into every aspect of my career. I aim to promote Catholic values by spreading the philosophy of natural law, which emphasizes the intrinsic dignity of every individual and the moral order of society. To achieve this goal, I have established a book club focused on exploring different philosophies, among them are the works of renowned Christian philosophers such as C.S. Lewis, G.K. Chesterton. This initiative will serve as a platform for thoughtful discussion and reflection on how these timeless principles can be applied to contemporary challenges. Through these efforts, I am dedicated to making a meaningful impact on my community, promoting a culture of compassion, integrity, and justice.

Luciano Callero

The TLI program has immensely impacted my relationship with Christ. The conversations with peers and mentor were precious; I am sincerely grateful. God led me to Sweden, where less than one percent is Catholic. I've faced cultural clashes and seen a stark contrast in moral values. There's an immense need for conversion. Despite this, Stockholm is one of the fastest-growing dioceses in the world. In 2016, Pope Francis highlighted Sweden as an example of the Church of Mission and appointed Bishop Arborelius as Cardinal, the first Swedish in history. In Redemptoris Missio, St. John Paul II emphasized that all the laity are missionaries by baptism; this resonated with me, and in this context, I commit to engaging with the local diocese to grow spirituality while growing Catholicism in Sweden. I'll contact the diocese to align with their best interests and serve with my talents. As a software engineer, I will dedicate a year to improving the diocese's digital presence, developing a multilingual church guide to help with conversions and unite local and international communities. As husband and father, I reaffirm my love for family and my commitment to the Domestic Church and the Rosary.

Milagros Cardenas

Before TLI I had made a decision to become a speaker in Theology of the Body as a side job. There is a lack of authentic manhood and womanhood in society. I feel this is the cause of many cruelties in the whole world. The humbleness of our beloved Pope Francis inspires me, quoting him, "Who am I to judge?" May God multiply the blessings to the courageous TLI members to "fight the good fight until dead visits us." Last, I will keep in mind this advice attributed to St. Francis of Assisi, “Preach the gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words.”

John Christopher

For my leadership commitment, there are things I am currently doing and others I will be taking on soon. First, I will serve as my Parish lead of Faithful Citizenship. There are many different groups that are located around the Archdiocese of Denver. Part of my responsibility is to coordinate and lead events for my parish that will educate them on Catholic Social Teaching. In addition, I will work with the other leads of different parishes around the Archdiocese to report what is happening and coordinate events. Last, I was elected as a Precinct Leader for my neighborhood. In this, 2-year term, new role, it is my job to educate and activate the people in my precinct about the candidates that are running for office in the upcoming election. 

Scott Christopher

I re-commit myself to the engagement committee I am part of. I now recognize this committee as an opportunity to be a privileged witness, and a well-formed leader. I know God has placed me there for a purpose. By committing myself to my current committee at the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche, I intend to have a more purpose-driven role, and to implement all things learned at TLI.

Henry Christopherson

TLI has taught me that leadership is needed in the Church by all of her members now more than ever. The Holy Mother Church, through her instruction in virtue and rich history of audacious saints, has given her members all the tools necessary to become leaders of high character and sound morals. In gratitude for what Tepeyac Leadership has taught me, I firmly resolve to develop the character of a leader in myself and in those I lead. Thank you, TLI, for encouraging me to push past my limits and inspiring me to "dream the dreams that God dreams.”

Ryan Clouse

As a parish leader, I aim to continue my spiritual and liturgical guidance to all, through my music, words, and actions. I will fearlessly speak the truth and challenge ideas in loving kindness. I commit to scaling my video company to reach the cultural masses with our Catholic values, in an artistically beautiful manner. We will showcase these first religious principles through clients, having the opportunity to evangelize to a massive audience. Finally, I commit to continuing my trajectory in Civic Leadership, in the hopes of inspiring all those around me to be that shining city on a hill.

Mayra Cordero

Each speaker, member, and leader, beginning with the TLI staff, is a gift from Our Father God. My heart jumps with joy and gratitude! Thanks to TLI, I have a strong foundation. I am committed to developing and expanding a new U.S. Company that will create and advance environmentally-responsible programs with the necessary human and spiritual formation to empower the American Latino-family and ignite a spiritual and social transformation through, with, and for the love of our Creator and our common home.

Kariny de Araujo

I commit to exercising virtuous leadership in accordance with the principles of Catholic doctrine, as taught in the TLI program, and following the example of the apostolate of Saint Josemaría Escrivá, which involves considering work as a vocational calling. Throughout this journey, I will dedicate myself to practicing leadership in my life and daily work. I pledge to foster an atmosphere of collaboration and respect in the workplace, encouraging my colleagues to recognize their talents and contribute constructively to shared goals and the common good. I also aim to demonstrate compassion and empathy, striving to understand the needs and concerns of those around me and offering support whenever necessary. Furthermore, I want to integrate my Catholic faith into my professional practice, acting with integrity and ethics in all situations, and seeking opportunities to share essential values and principles.

Kristin DeJong

I’m dedicated to being a leader in my work by integrating my faith in all aspects of my digital marketing business. I commit to making sure my actions and words align with my Catholic faith so that everyone I meet will know Who I serve and what I stand for. To further integrate faith in my life, through my work, I also commit to praying the Morning Offering and Examen in the evening. Lastly, I commit to volunteering at my parish in meaningful ways.

Melissa Dittmar

God has slowly been calling me my whole life. I am blessed to have been raised in the Catholic faith. When I met my best friend Angela in the first grade, I found a kindred spirit who not only lived out her faith but helped me grow deeper in mine. I felt called to serve when I was doing a community service day with the University of Baltimore. God called me to learn more about St. Francis of Assisi. When I was invited me to apply to TLI, I was struggling to find my life’s purpose. I commit to being open to the Holy Spirit, surrendering to Jesus, building and maintaining a consistent prayer life and willing to serve others. It is all in God’s timing.

Yvette Durazo

As a proud TLI graduate, I am dedicated to being a peace-builder in society. I aim to shape leaders who embody civility, fostering dignity and respect for all. Inspired by TLI's mentors and speakers, I will seek community involvement to make meaningful changes, serving on boards and organizations. My spiritual journey involves active parish engagement, maintaining connections with the TLI community, and participating in Cursillo groups. With faith in the Lord as my guide, I strive to serve with humility and grace, using my talents to be a beacon of hope and compassion for those around me.

Estyn Elan 

To Peacemaking, I pledge to stand. One holy hour per week, is my soul’s demand. Christ’s teachings, my guiding ray of light. Vivid virtuous visions of elevating style, lifting spirits, for a more sophisticated mankind. Where darkness falls, I'll be the beacon of light, to a new generation of delight, learning and sharing the word of the Lord. Words of wisdom, precious pearls to ponder and protect. In thoughts and actions, words aligned with the Trinity’s mystery, divine. His will be my guide, to Him I shall confide. Vigilant for His signs. Gratitude in all I do, grateful to God, forever true.

Mayeling Fernandes

As a leader in my field, I commit to leveraging my expertise to address critical needs in the Catholic community of my local parish in India. Recognizing the urgent need for educational support and career guidance, I pledge to dedicate my time and talents to empower individuals through training and mentorship programs. By bridging skill gaps and fostering personal growth, I aim to fulfill God's call to serve others, helping them find direction and realize their full potential. Through collaborative efforts and compassionate leadership, I aspire to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need within the Catholic community.

Sudeep Fernandes

I am dedicated to guiding the youth using the noble teachings of the Catholic Church, infused with faith and purpose. My goal is to help individuals gain clarity on their values through Catholic teaching, embodied principles of faith, and envisioned futures guided by the Gospel. I will strive for unity and justice, fostering discussions rooted in stewardship and service, while recognizing excellence as a reflection of God's grace. By celebrating our collective achievements, I will spread joy and hope. Through this commitment, I embrace my role as a servant leader, guided by the wisdom and grace of the Catholic tradition.

Tatum Fisher

TLI helped me grow in knowledge of my Catholic faith and how to apply this knowledge in practical ways in my life. I'm committed to continual spiritual growth. I found myself profoundly affected by the Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration. The wisdom, encouragement, and divine revelation I experienced in His presence opened my heart to His Sacred Heart. I'm committed to Eucharistic Adoration and will encourage all to contemplate His Sacred Heart. If Jesus allows me to work in this capacity in His church I would be honored. Here I am Lord willing and ready to serve!

Jenna Fuentes

I am committed to bringing joy to others, being present to others, letting the spirit do His work in me and through me, being authentic, continuing to humble myself, asking for help, and making it a priority to demonstrate my faith by showing love in each small action (like St. Therese “the Little Way”). Therefore, my professional commitment is living out my faith in the International Higher Education, Learning & Development, and ed-tech startup industries in Los Angeles and around the world. I commit to sharing my faith journey with others. I commit to living my faith by making time for daily silence, meditation and prayer, loving others (clients, partners, fellow coworkers, and greater society), ensuring we prioritize human dignity and building connection via company culture, building international partnerships, serving adult learners, fostering interdisciplinary, cross-pollination innovation of industries, and helping others grow, maximizing their potential. Personally, I am committed to incorporating faith with mental health and accompanying international young adults as they navigate their mental health, personal and professional goals and challenges; so that they may know God’s love. I commit to giving back to others and paying it forward.

Giancarlo Gazani

My leadership commitment is to focus on deepening my knowledge on the teachings of our Catholic faith and share the knowledge learned throughout our sessions with those who are underserved in our Church, such as young adults, as well as those in our communities, like the Latino community. My biggest emphasis will be to promote both communities through service and leadership in the Utah Knights of Columbus as their newly elected State Advocate. I will also practice and promote what I've learned in my own work industry, which is in healthcare operations, with my senior leadership, department heads, colleagues, employees, etc. Last, I commit myself to keep looking for clarity in my life, and the wisdom to recognize God's will for my vocation, to reinforce my prayer life by being more constant in my devotional practices, so that with His help I may find the right vocation that will lead to happiness, but more importantly to Him, Christ Our Lord.

Matthew Gonzales

I am dedicated to continually expanding my role as a Catholic fundraiser and leader. I am steadfast in my commitment to serving within Catholic organizations, diligently raising funds for projects and initiatives that resonate with the teachings of our faith. Furthermore, I aspire to actively contribute to the growth and success of Catholic nonprofits by joining their boards, offering support in their development endeavors. With passion and determination, I aim to advance the mission of our Church and foster positive change within our communities through my work in fundraising and leadership.

Michael Guzman

My leadership commitment is to run for local board and promote Catholic Values such as family, community service, and pro-life.

Ivonne Heath

My leadership commitment is a dedication to nurturing the holistic well-being of Catholic women. Through my role as a health coach, I will empower them to thrive physically, emotionally, and spiritually, integrating the timeless wisdom of Catholic teachings into their daily lives. Leading women's groups, we'll delve into profound church documents, illuminating saints' lives, and fostering deep spiritual growth. Moreover, as a Spanish teacher in a K-12 school, I will instill cultural understanding and empathy, shaping young minds to embrace diversity and compassion. With God's guidance, I pledge to use my gifts and talents to serve others and make a meaningful difference in our community.

Ellen Holmes Steeves-LeBlanc

The Tepeyac Leadership Initiative has ignited within me a desire to work harder to serve others and to be fearless within my outward profession of the Faith. Through my Podcast and Pilgrimage Ministry, as well as my Non-Profit, Destined4This, Inc, I will encourage the faithful to be active in their parishes, their communities and within their secular lives, calling them to get involved with and to support organizations that enrich and strengthen the values and ethics of the Catholic Church. Additionally, I will encourage ALL to pray the Rosary. The Rosary is the weapon for all times and within the truth of our Catholic Faith it is the arsenal we need to go forth into battle for all that is True and Beautiful! We must not only Talk the Talk, BUT we MUST Walk the Walk and be VISIBLE disciples for Christ.

Lori Huber

My TLI commitment is to start the Divine Will Center of the Reign of the two Hearts. It will be a nonprofit Catholic Apostolic that will bring the Good News of Salvation to all those disposed to receive it. We will provide Retreats, quarterly newsletters and have a Catholic bookstore selling the writings of Jesus to Luisa Piccarreta. If the Divine Will is known; the reign of the enemy will be finished, this is the reason for his rage.

Anna Kupitz

Leadership within our world provides an exceptional opportunity to shift the culture and direct others to Christ through our action. The vision for my personal leadership commitment surrounds the family life. Due to my background, I am passionate about the importance of strong family cultures as the primary driver for holistic good: mind, body, and soul. It is in this smallest unit that the world will see its transformation and reorientation towards God. As an educator, I will concentrate my leadership efforts on bringing the focus back to the family by creating a culture where parents are encouraged to reclaim their role in their childrens' lives.

Veronica Kusemwa

I've often asked myself, how did I come across TLI? Being part of the TLI 2024 Cohort was an incredible opportunity to advance my leadership skills. As a country leader for Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa (CYNESA); I commit to foster its growth in Zimbabwe through; engaging both the clergy and laity towards caring for our common home, collaborating with other multi-faith sects, including local communities, interested partners and relevant bodies, and actively engaging in advocacy work and policy making spaces.

Yanis Largeron

God highlighted the necessity for me to join the Tepeyac Leadership Initiative. In my scientific journey, the TLI program enabled me to keep a close eye on my religious interests when most of my colleagues do not share the same beliefs, the same devotion in God as me. That is where I found my aim, which is to make them feel alive and show them how Catholicism drives my decisions, responsibilities, conflicts, disappointments, and successes. My commitment is to share my faith and the experience I learned through TLI with those around me. By following our changing path, we shape our minds. Today I am proud to say TLI gave me a strong and a faithful path. We learn from what we see, hear, and discuss. That is how TLI has allowed me to grow.

Brian Laspisa

Leadership starts with my God given vocation, as I love and serve my wife and children, leading them towards heaven. Second, in our work in child loss grief support ministry, I will continue to grow in my faith and intellectual life to better serve grieving families. Third, grounded in the virtues of Christ, I will work in a manner that evangelizes and draws people towards Christ and his Church. Finally, I will join a Newman Center Advisory Council this summer. As additional opportunities for civic leadership are presented, we will discern them as a family, following the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

JoAnn Lira

The US currency has the words in God we trust. But Tepeyac Leadership opened my eyes to the reality that local governments are forgetting where we came from. We stand by God. Yet the school districts have taken Bible studies and prayers out. As a parent, I want to make sure I lead virtuously in my identity as a child of God. I am volunteering in my community as a catechist, I am also involved in my local community with the Moreno Valley mayor to continue influencing our politics with God and the good moral values the Bible teaches. I will influence a good moral life and, one day be part of a board of education in a district to bring my Christian values to education.

Joseph Maatouk

After concluding five months with TLI, I can affirm that this program was, on a personal level, a significant step towards the truth and cannot merely be confined to a life project. Rather, it represents a way of living. It helped me cultivate the empathy necessary to volunteer with my previous NGO during my annual leave, assisting refugees through the UN program. Additionally, I will accept the invitation to teach catechism in Muscat and strive to be as active as possible in this parish, fostering a Christian environment and mindset, with the grace of God.

Nicole Madro

I commit to being a Catholic leader in the workplace by pursuing a management position in the hospitality industry. In a world that is becoming increasingly more corporate, I want to prioritize Catholic principles we discussed in the program, such as the dignity of the human person and justice in business. I commit to being a leader in my community by joining a city commission for events or the arts. In a space that often becomes the domain of secular voices, I want to be a Catholic voice while creating spaces for people to connect and enjoy authentic beauty.

Matthew Martin

First, I would like to express my thanks and gratitude to all of the Tepeyac Leadership members and speakers who have helped build and shape an extraordinary program for us Lay Catholics. This program not only deepened my love for Christ and His Church but it also helped me understand the beauty of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. For my leadership commitment I will begin to help those who suffer from addiction, especially the youth. I will mentor them, encourage them and guide them to Catholic in Recovery. I also aim to join my City Boards and Commissions to promote my faith and family values while helping my community. It is good to remember Pope Benedict’s words: “There are times when the burden of need and our own limitations might tempt us to become discouraged. But precisely then we are helped by the knowledge that, in the end, we are only instruments in the Lord’s hands; and this knowledge frees us from the presumption of thinking that we alone are personally responsible for building a better world. In all humility we will do what we can. And in all humility, we will entrust the rest to the Lord.”

Aracely Martinez

This spring, I enjoyed learning about the dimensions of Catholic leadership from new friends and mentors. Our weekly meetings helped me witness how each person’s God-given talents play a dynamic role in the Church, communities, and the world, especially when developed and shared for His Glory. This Truth regarding human dignity extends from the youngest to the oldest members of society. For this reason, I am committing to invite Jesus daily to use my life as He wills and to share life with Christ’s Hope alongside the sick and dying of all ages. By God’s Grace, I will lead with love through the art of conversation, play, photography, storytelling, and healthcare education. I am thankful for the invitation to cooperate with Him, to take steps towards these dreams, and to celebrate the good work He has already begun in each of us this year.

Gerardo Martinez Zamora

I am committed to serving the community in Arizona by becoming a volunteer at Catholic Charities and donating money to non-profit organizations. I am also committed to do research and to discern where God needs me to do board service here in the valley.

Thomas McAnerney

Shortly before joining TLI, God placed me on my local city commission and in a company with advancement opportunities. My leadership commitment is to effectively lead on the city commission and prepare myself for leadership opportunities in my company. I will embrace humility to grow and encourage others to do what is right.

Rose McClanahan

After completing the TLI program, I will seek to answer Christ's call to serve Him through caring for others. I will do this by applying to serve on a local board in the City of Phoenix. In this capacity, I hope to take on some of the mundane, but important, tasks involved in maintaining public goods. I also hope to gain experience in public service that will aid me in my continued discernment of God's call to public service through holding a political office.

Lorem Mendoza

I commit to striving to be the best version of myself: I will not cease to deepen my understanding and knowledge of myself in light of God’s love. I will strive to search for the truth of who I am and what my purpose is. I will help others, especially the youth, to discover themselves in the same light that God gives. I commit to living my Christian life according to the Church’s teachings and share the truth that God communicates with others. I commit to attentively welcome those that God sends along my way and accompany them in their quest for Truth and Love, fostering an encounter with God.

Valen Menezes

I pledge to embrace the humble principles of servant leadership and share God's word on social platforms to inspire spiritual growth in others. Additionally, I will promote awareness of the TLI program among my peers, fostering personal, spiritual, social, and professional development. In my workplace, I'll exemplify Catholic leadership values, inspiring colleagues of all backgrounds. Moreover, I'll extend support to those in need, aiding others by connecting them to essential resources. 

Rafael Monjo

My leadership commitment is to foster the development and growth of creative Catholic minorities in my family, friendship, and work relationships. I am committed to trying to turn every personal bond into an opportunity to make Christ present. I commit myself to try to love God with others, so that, over and above our personal and shared purposes, which are the fruit of the will, we strive to discover our mission, which is the fruit of Love and witness to God's will for our lives.

Nelson Manneh

At the heart of Christian leadership lies the habit of selfless service to others. Great leaders throughout history have triumphed in myriad ways. The TLI program has taken me on a personal journey. It has shed light into areas in my life I need to work on, and shown me how to positively impact others. My Leadership commitment in the near future is to continue growing in faith and sharing knowledge with others. My long-term goal is to start a foundation in order to help the needy and also continue to champion the protection of rights of Christians especially Catholics. Our catholic faith in the Gambia has been threatened in several ways, at the political level and at community level. I want to stand to make sure that our rights as Christians are protected.

Landon McCollum 

Through the welcomed influence of TLI, my mentor and fellow participants, I have been led to embrace a new path of using my gifts of writing and understanding of spirituality, to positively influence the healthcare profession. I commit myself to writing and producing media content on the topic of spiritual care and spiritual formation for nurses. Recent surveys indicate that the majority of nurses aim to leave the profession in the near future, a major problem. I aim to inspire them by voicing the Good News from within the profession.

Sean Murray

I am so grateful to TLI. I have made new friends, who are ardent Catholics who face the same struggles as I do when trying to live out our faith in our day to day lives. I also have made new contacts that have helped me become a better leader at our non-profit organization, They have also shared good practical advice on how to develop and move the organization forward. My commitment is to continue spreading the faith through TLI has equipped me with new tools that will go a long way in helping me make it a success. I also commit not just to helping spread the faith online but also in my daily activities and personal interactions with others. I want the whole world to be Catholic! TLI is playing a significant role in obtaining that objective, by helping form Catholic leaders who are not afraid to live and share their Catholic faith.

Ingrid Noriega

I have thoroughly enjoyed learning more about the Catholic faith through the Tepeyac Leadership program. My commitments are as follows: First, to actively volunteer in my parish community in sacred music and catechism roles and be vocal in the public square about my Catholic values as a libertarian voter. Second, to be an active example of Catholic faith for my family and friends as learned through the TLI program. Last, to embody the values learned in the TLI program during my interactions in the workplace.

Caleb O’Neill

I graduate with the tools, knowledge, skills, connections, and abilities gained through the Tepeyac Leadership Initiative, more prepared than ever before to be an influence for good in the professional world. Despite being in a period of professional transition, I can confidently commit to searching for leadership positions in the young adult ministry at my parish. This is a way I can directly affect the lives of my peers and aid them in living lives that glorify our Lord, both personally and professionally. In addition, I will stay connected to my community and better identify its needs.

Daniel Ochieng

I've had the opportunity of running a community-based organization which engages school dropouts coming from harsh economic family backgrounds, promoting and nurturing their talent through social and agribusiness programs. My leadership commitment is to incorporate a program on leadership training, good governance and resilience in good virtues running simultaneously with the other programs. Through our sustainable, vibrant and meaningful engagements with the youth, the organization will commit to providing young people with opportunities of self-realization and development, entrepreneurship and a dream of a society free from crime and substance abuse.

Erlinda Olalia-Carin

This my three-part leadership commitment: First, enhancing my knowledge; the TLI sessions has made me realize how much there is to know about the Church’s teachings. Thus, I will read and do my best to understand the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the encyclicals that have been referred to during the TLI sessions and the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas, especially about the natural law. Second, getting involved; I will join the RCIA ministry in my parish starting with being a sponsor and aiming to be part of the leadership team. Last, making a difference; I believe in building a foundation for our Catholic faith during the formative years. Working with my parish, I will look into ways of enhancing the Catholic education available for teens, including specifically providing supplemental catechism classes and activities in high school, with the goal of encouraging and inspiring these teens to remain as active, involved Catholics, as they grow into adulthood and beyond.

Richard Pintang

The TLI program has shown me the connections between my Catholic faith and aspects of modern society. The bottom line is that we as the laity are called to be missionary disciples outside the church. I am committed to using my 25+ years in business to assist the Life Center of Santa Ana in their outreach efforts and help with the expansion of their Walking with Dads program. I will mentor dads and conduct skill development workshops so they can build their confidence and allow them to acquire valuable skills that will empower them to be Christ-centered leaders in their home and with their family.

Vincent Pittelkau

TLI has been an enriching experience and one that will remain with me, from the interesting topics week by week, and learning from professionals from all backgrounds to the captivating weekly Zoom calls. The commitment I make is to take what I’ve learned to apply it during my upcoming schooling. I’ll be looking to help shape the classes I’m a part of to see Christ more fully.

Gary Policarpo

“God does not call the equipped; He equips the called.” As a Catholic leader, I am committed to following the plans God has for me and not doubting the gifts entrusted to me. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the intercession of Our Blessed Mother, I commit to addressing local issues that affect the everyday working class. With the leadership skills I gained, I will bring communities together to create safer and cleaner public transportation in the greater Los Angeles area.

Christina Rangel

I commit to deepening my knowing of God through an increased partaking of the sacraments, particularly Holy Communion. I commit to demonstrating love to God through more frequent Eucharistic adoration. I commit to serving God through challenging myself to seek community and be community to others through the balancing of service, leadership, leisure, and communication. Through these activities I commit to engage with others and challenge myself in the principles of discipline and ethics, through a conviction of faith that will, with God's grace lead me and others to heaven.

Jonathan Rodriguez

My leadership commitment will be to remain on the YCP North Jersey Chapter board, continue volunteering with Corazon Puro, and take on leadership with a local young adult group called Made4Mor. I will attend their formation leader retreat this summer and join their team in the next cycle.

Jorge Roldan

Being aware of the gifts and talents God has given me and allowed me to develop over time; being aware of the leadership spaces that have been entrusted to me in my family, community and work; and based on the preparation that I have received through the TLI program, today I commit to promoting the goodness and beauty of marriage and fatherhood to family men in Latin America. I will equip them with tools to both value and honor their wives, and fulfill an authentic fatherhood according to God's original plan.

Megan Sauter

As a Tepeyac leader, I commit to building Catholic leadership development and educational opportunities for young Catholics. Prior to TLI, I too was a young catholic without a strong community or understanding of my faith. Now, equipped with both, I commit to connecting with young adults at risk of leaving the church, providing them foundational education and catholic community, and guiding them to choose their faith, not abandon it! Using my God-given gift of voice and media content creation, I will specifically collaborate with Young Catholic Professionals to create media outreach and a Catholic young adult leadership development program.

Michael Snellen

As a young Catholic professional eager to dedicate my time, talents, and service to building up the Church, the opportunity God has placed before me is to form a worldwide community of creators. Leading them will require prayer and sacrifice on my part, but I believe that my efforts will all be used for good and for bringing this calling to fruition. With Mary as my guide, may God use my abilities for his glory.

Cody Reed

I commit to striving to fulfill the goals of TLI, namely living a life of virtue, leadership, holiness, and evangelization according to the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. I resolve to follow Christ in a leadership capacity in charity and love through my work, giving my time on boards, and growing the various ministries I am involved in. I devote my role as husband and father to the Chaste Heart of St. Joseph and the Immaculate Heart of Mary to protect and provide for my family and ultimately lead them to heaven. I unite my suffering to the cross of Christ for the evangelization of the culture of death to be led to a civilization of love. In the most holy name of Jesus, I pray He holds me to these commitments and guide me to always strive for Him.

Paul Tonacci

We read in Luke 12:48, “To whom much is given, much will be required.” As someone whom God continues to bless in measures beyond comprehension, I can emphatically declare TLI has not only reinforced the importance of that message for me, it has given me new strength in its clarion call to share in Christ’s message of what is good, true, and beautiful, beginning with my growing family. Additionally, God has placed it in my heart to be a public servant. I commit myself to run for public office, seeking to hold a position on my local school board.

Biagio Tortora

I heartily thank God and Our Lady of Guadalupe for sending TLI into my life just when I needed it. TLI reminded me that Love requires higher personal service in my professional work and secular life. I wish to commit myself (1) to contributing to the diffusion and organization of TLI in Italy in the next three years, allowing other professionals to benefit from this treasure, (2) to serve in the board of the Catholic pre-political association of which I am a member of, in the next two year, to express a leadership in civil society, (3) to empower my Parish in the service to fiancées and young families, in the coming year, forming properly the lay faithful, (4) to respond to and understand God's call to me, in the coming year. I entrust these proposals, my family and myself into the hands of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Norma Leticia Walsh

My gratitude to TLI for all the hard work. You have taken me to a journey of many new discoveries, especially the encyclicals that shed light into my life and the way I must see my brethren. My commitment will be to continue proclaiming the word of God, within my community, to offer my service within the church, especially the diocese. Once again thanks for your commitment towards my cohort.

Jamie Whalen

My life’s prayer has always been to use my life well.  Over the past couple of years, I have prayed that prayer with more intention; more immediacy. TLI has been a clear answer and a gift; a great light during a very busy season; a joy in faith, formation, and fellowship each week with my 28-strong east coast cohort. I intend to begin to give back what I have been given by creating a Catholic lawyers’ group in my hometown. I will also look forward to keeping up with my TLI family and bearing fruit wherever the Lord may offer.

Katarina White

In the spirit of St. Benedict, I humbly commit to leading in the fight against spiritual warfare, especially in the effort to end abortion. Recognizing the deep need to uphold human dignity, I will use my talents and gifts to promote life-affirming truths, whether through involvement in nonprofits or by aspiring to shape policies as a future politician. Inspired by St. Benedict's dedication to prayer, community, and spiritual resilience, I will lead by example, fostering a culture of life and compassion. Guided by Catholic teachings and God's grace, I pledge to defend the sanctity of life and serve my community with humility and dedication.

David Whitmarsh

I believe the Father has called us family. I believe the Son has shown us the way. I believe the Holy Spirit is ready with grace for us right now. I believe in the power of us to bear the good news that Joy is alive, and so are we! I commit to supporting Catholic families by gathering a tribe of Catholic professionals to provide affordable career progression services for Catholic lay people. I will focus on Catholic fathers looking to support and expand their families, Catholic mothers returning to work, and young discerning Catholic professionals.

Shana Yong

As a dedicated leader in TLI, I strive to live according to God's will and desire, embodying Christ within me. My mission is to guide my domestic church alongside my husband, fostering a loving family and nurturing our faith within our home, among my spouse, and with our children. This dedication to faith strengthens our leadership in the secular world, guiding our careers, businesses, and communities to resist evil. By upholding righteousness, we overcome adversities, protected by God, and live out our faith and love for Him. God calls me through Baptism and Confirmation to serve Him in a specific way of life.

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