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Cristofer Pereyra

Author, CEO of Tepeyac Leadership, Inc., a global non-profit organization dedicated to civic leadership development for lay Catholic professionals.

Catholic Influence in France's Life Debate

Catholic Influence in France's Life Debate

“By promising to separate the two subjects,” Frémont said, “François Bayrou is showing that he has grasped what is at stake in this debate. This will ensure that palliative care is not used as an excuse to legalize administered death in France.”

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Faith, Work, and Renewal: 2025 Resolutions that Honor God

Faith, Work, and Renewal: 2025 Resolutions that Honor God

Let's think of resolutions which not only enhance our careers but also deepen our faith and contribute positively to our communities. As Catholic professionals, our faith provides a unique framework for setting goals that nourish our spirit, strengthen our witness, and guide us in our everyday work.

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Good Tidings of Great Joy!

Good Tidings of Great Joy!

The birth of Jesus, God’s greatest gift to humanity, is a reminder of the profound hope and transformation that comes with His presence. As Catholic professionals, we are called to live out the Gospel in our everyday lives—bringing Christ into our work, our relationships, and our communities.

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Build a Stronger, More Faithful World

Build a Stronger, More Faithful World

As we approach the end of the year, we take a moment to reflect on the incredible work Tepeyac Leadership has accomplished over the past months. Through your support, we have been able to form and equip lay Catholic leaders who are transforming communities and advancing the Gospel in civil

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Giving Thanks, Reflecting on Your Impact

Giving Thanks, Reflecting on Your Impact

As we celebrate Thanksgiving Day here in the United States, we are still counting our blessings from the recent THL conference, this year's TLI cohort, and the many other efforts which Tepeyac Leadership carried out in 2024. Around the corner is also, #GivingTuesday …this is a global day

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9 Reasons to Attend THL2024: Lumen Gentium

9 Reasons to Attend THL2024: Lumen Gentium

The Hour of the Laity: Lumen Gentium (THL2024) will be here before we know it. And at Tepeyac Leadership, Inc. (TLI) we are putting together the final touches for our annual conference. If you are part of the TLI family, you already know what THL2024 is about. But if you

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Are You a Catholic Conservative or Progressive?

Are You a Catholic Conservative or Progressive?

In my work of forming lay Catholic leaders for civil society, I am often asked whether my Catholic apostolate or myself as a Catholic are conservative or progressive. But I reject the premise that there are two types of Catholics. I am not writing here about the multiple Charisms the

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Building Spiritual Structure Into Your Family Life

Building Spiritual Structure Into Your Family Life

Every Catholic, and every Catholic family, should have a “plan of life” — specifically, a plan for spiritual life, what we might call a PSL. We might understand the idea of a PSL better if we think of priests or consecrated religious. We know they have structured prayer, such as the

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It's Time to Lead

It's Time to Lead

We’ve hit a new low! The President of the United States recently used the sign of the cross (As an invocation for the Holy Trinity’s protection) while a fellow politician was criticizing Florida’s pro-life laws. This was a sign of the state of the Church and the

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Why Is This the Hour of the Laity?

Why Is This the Hour of the Laity?

It’s true, abortions have decreased in the US by six percent since the Dobbs decision. But the battle for life is hardly over. Government institutions now appear to be weaponized against US citizens. And the condition of the Catholic faith in much of the world is simply deplorable. In

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The Authentic Character of the Lay Vocation

The Authentic Character of the Lay Vocation

It’s a common occurrence in the Church. I’ve talked about it multiple times over the years. Often, when lay Catholics have an experience of encounter or re-encounter with Christ, their hearts ignite! They are on fire for the Lord. As a result, they want to serve God and

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Benedict XVI's Legacy Will Be Measured in Souls

Benedict XVI's Legacy Will Be Measured in Souls

With the passing of 2022, the Catholic Church has also said goodbye to a giant of the faith. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI left us on the eve of the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God. How fitting! I say with sincerity, the death of the late Pope Emeritus feels to

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Leadership Through Collaboration, Not Manipulation

Leadership Through Collaboration, Not Manipulation

Collaborating is working with others, to produce or create something. While manipulation is the proficient way something can be employed for specific purposes. Manipulation is admissible when it comes to things or assets. We can and should manipulate tools and resources in skillful and effective manners. However, manipulation is unethical

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