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Edward Shikles

Contributing author for The Catholic Professional and a growing professional writer within marketing and business.

Facebook Website St. Louis, MO
Investing In You – and Your Career

Investing In You – and Your Career

In business, there is a term called ‘Return on Investment’, or ROI, used to determine what sort of benefit you receive from the amount of money or time you put into something. In digital marketing, the number of conversions that lead to purchases (i.e. profit) would be a good

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Networking Tools & How To Use Them Effectively

Networking Tools & How To Use Them Effectively

So, you’re on the hunt for a job. You’re applying on LinkedIn, Indeed, and any other job search portal you can think of. You’re also meeting people, attending networking events, and putting your foot out there to form connections. Great! However, are you maximizing these tools and

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How To Be A Good Communicator

How To Be A Good Communicator

Being a good communicator is an essential skill to have in any area of life. From personal to professional, any healthy and sound relationship requires clear communication.  For the professional, establishing healthy workplace relationships with your employer, supervisor, colleagues, and clients is a must. That requires knowing how to convey

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Workplace Conflicts & How to Resolve Them

Workplace Conflicts & How to Resolve Them

“A new commandment I give unto you: That you love one another, as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another.” (John 13: 34-35). By these words, we are commanded

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3 Tips on Dressing Professionally

3 Tips on Dressing Professionally

In business, image is everything. Well, not exactly everything, but it’s a good chunk of it! Appearances can sway a person or be used to cultivate a certain perception or mindset. These can be highly advantageous from a business standpoint. Of course, there’s so much more to being

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Excel As a Professional With 3 Simple Steps

Excel As a Professional With 3 Simple Steps

Being your personal best is no easy task. It takes time, commitment, and savvy. In the modern-day work environment, the Catholic professional must do what it takes to stand out from the crowd and excel. Often, this involves a considerable amount of learning and forming good habits. It also requires

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3 Tips On Developing Your Personal Brand

3 Tips On Developing Your Personal Brand

The Catholic professional knows he is called to be different. In using our talents within our own respective industries, we are called to proclaim the Gospel in all our words and deeds. That requires also being the best at what we do, especially within our respective professions. As Pope St.

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