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Eva Oueiss

A passionate Scholar, TEDx Speaker, Journalist, and Public Relations Consultant-MA in Media Studies (summa cum laude). Storyteller by nature, she nurtures years of experience in the field.

Your Passion Guide to Success

Your Passion Guide to Success

Working with passion and faith can be a powerful combination. To work with passion, focus on finding a job or career that aligns with your interests and values. This will make it easier to stay motivated and engaged. To work with faith, consider incorporating spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer,

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How to Become Purpose-Driven Leaders?

How to Become Purpose-Driven Leaders?

Being a leader is not about power or authority, but about serving others in the name of Jesus Christ. The more you focus on serving others, the more you will find purpose and meaning in your role. There are several ways to succeed as a purpose-driven Catholic leader: Connect with

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How to Conquer the Obstacles of Initiating a New Venture?

How to Conquer the Obstacles of Initiating a New Venture?

It’s difficult for new entrepreneurs to focus on the intricacies of starting a new venture when they have payroll worries to take care of. What is the primary distinction between individuals who end up driving revenues versus those who scramble and head home discreetly? Regardless of how often entrepreneurs

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Do You Have the Traits of a Leader?

Do You Have the Traits of a Leader?

‌‌When some think of great leaders in business, the image of cape-wearing CEOs, complete with superpowers may come to mind. However, the notion that leaders are born with the traits that make them successful is false. Most of the essential characteristics of strong leaders can be identified, allowing most professionals

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How to Make the Best out of Christmas Time?

How to Make the Best out of Christmas Time?

Many people's eyes are glazed over with stress as we approach the final weeks before Christmas. Not only are there numerous deadlines to meet before the end of the year, yet there is also an eagerness for warm spiritual healing, and quality festive time with relatives. How can

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Fostering Trust in the Workplace: Is it Feasible?

Fostering Trust in the Workplace: Is it Feasible?

Employees and management must have team cohesion, respect, open communication and understanding within the workplace. Effective communication enhances problem-solving and workplace comfort as emotional and social hurdles and conflict naturally arise. At first glance, trust in the organization may appear to be a broad concept, but it is essential for

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Trust God: Your Most Precious Shield

Trust God: Your Most Precious Shield

How frequently did you hear: Trust God, your faith will liberate you? You may think; how can I succeed? It is arduous. "Then Jesus said, 'Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?'" - John 11:40. Although

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Gratitude is a Work-life Fulfillment

Gratitude is a Work-life Fulfillment

Gratitude usually enlightens warm, positive emotions such as fulfillment, love, and joy as antidots to resentment, envy, and regret. When a person is grateful, she/he will be generous and compassionate toward others and will develop social intelligences. The building block of mental health resilience and work-life abundance. In this

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The Disruptive Power of Servant Leadership

The Disruptive Power of Servant Leadership

On the journey of work sanctification, Catholic professionals focus on three dimensions: God, people and us. A learning path helping every leader to inspire and empower by serving. A style combining the humbleness of wisdom which is a rare characteristic on the personal and professional levels. Those who have it

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Clear Boundaries... Healthier Relationships

Clear Boundaries... Healthier Relationships

When boundaries are not upheld at work, you may feel helpless or taken for granted. Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your work schedule? Do you accept each new project that comes your way? Does your supervisor regularly request last-minute trips across the country? If this describes you, you probably

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How do You Sanctify your Work and Life?

How do You Sanctify your Work and Life?

The spirit God entrusted to us through the lifestyle of the Saints and within the Gospel has an undefeated transformative power. Ordinary work sanctification is a living seed capable of producing holiness fruits in every soul who accepts to embrace God’s will and wonders. "Sanctity, for the majority

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Must Dos if your Boss Ignores You

Must Dos if your Boss Ignores You

Consider this scenario: You're at your team's weekly brainstorming session. Every time you share an idea, your boss dismisses it or gives a nod before moving on. Worse, you share an idea, and then your colleague shares the same idea and your boss congratulates them on

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Born or Made a Leader?!

Born or Made a Leader?!

If you've ever asked a senior leader or a mentor what it takes to advance to the C-suite, they've most certainly included time, experience, network, and confidence. The winning formula is a combination of self-confidence, poise, and genuineness that influences your ability to inspire others to

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Eager to Get Promoted...Upscale your Relationships

Eager to Get Promoted...Upscale your Relationships

People who are early in their careers frequently meet a brick wall when competing for possibilities to advance within their organizations. They may have focused too much on their abilities and not enough on their professional connections. Have you ever been advised that you "simply aren't primed&

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Dealing with Incompatible Personalities at Work

Dealing with Incompatible Personalities at Work

Eva Oueiss At work, even seemingly unimportant things like a coworker constructive criticism can make us anxious. Our blood pressure can increase easily, and social stress is one of the main causes. Avoiding criticism which needs to be given is obviously not the solution, but for most people, there doesn&

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Good Organization Habits = Goals Met

Good Organization Habits = Goals Met

Healthy habits must be developed in order to become truly structured. In fact, success in every area of your life starts with good organization skills. Being organized will make it simple for you to maintain control and reduce stress. It takes time and repetition to become proficient at life organization.

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