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Collapse into Divine Mercy with St. Faustina

Collapse into Divine Mercy with St. Faustina

By David Whitmarsh Mercy is a dangerous virtue. It terrifies the sinister powers of the world because mercy is a special change agent for love. Mercy undoes years of dark progress. One of the greatest achievements of love, mercy transcends sacrifice because mercy is where my sacrifice meets suffering at

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Virtual Meetings: What To Do and What to Avoid

Virtual Meetings: What To Do and What to Avoid

The workplace of the 21st century is a far cry from workplaces of previous generations. Since the Pandemic, remote work has become normal, and many offices allow for a flexible workplace schedule. With this, however, also comes the potential for forming bad workplace habits. Considering this, then, let’s take

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Take an Honest Inventory With Saint Augustine

Take an Honest Inventory With Saint Augustine

By David Whitmarsh Work is a necessity, and it can often be burdensome, but work is not a necessary burden. Work is a vocation. There are three vocations in the Christian life. We all share the universal vocation of coming to know God as our Father and to evangelize the

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Job Interview? Here’s Some Advice...

Job Interview? Here’s Some Advice...

So, you’ve been applying to job after job, with little or no success. You’re frustrated because you can’t seem to land that interview. Every job you’ve applied for either never gets back to you or does not continue past the initial phone screening. By now, you’

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Tending the Garden

Tending the Garden

By David Whitmarsh Have you ever wondered what Adam and Eve were doing in the Garden, before the fall? My favorite answer is ‘tending the Garden’! Work in The Garden Genesis walks us quite beautifully through their days in the Garden. God, who spent all of time before man, creating

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I Want to Be a Writer – Where Do I Begin?

I Want to Be a Writer – Where Do I Begin?

Writing is an oft-pursued endeavor, but seldom mastered craft. Being able to effectively communicate your thoughts has many challenges, from being too busy to write to drawing mental blanks when you finally find the time. There are many general tips, though, that can help overcome these hurdles. Just ask C.

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Climbing the Mount Everest of Faith

Climbing the Mount Everest of Faith

By Andrew Perez Young adults are leaving the Sacraments in exchange for community and real bonds. A recent study by The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life shows 79% of Catholics leave the Church by age twenty-three. This is alarming considering we are at war every day with the

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Following St. John Vianney's Example

Following St. John Vianney's Example

St. John Vianney, the patron saint of parish priests, grew up during a tumultuous time similar to our times now. He grew up during an era marked by the French Revolution, which disrupted the practice of Catholicism in France. As we reflect on his feast day and approaching the end

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Developing Your Leadership Skills

Developing Your Leadership Skills

Being a leader is a quality that everyone can appreciate. We all recognize a good leader when we see one - and we admire them.  A leader in business is someone who can stay  focused, motivate others, and handle conflicts effectively. Succinctly, as The Catholic Gentleman puts it: “A business

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Ways to Evangelize by Example at Work

Ways to Evangelize by Example at Work

How might we continue our personal spiritual growth and continue evangelizing others? By living a life that reflects the love, joy, hope, and peace of Christ, you can inspire others to become more curious and explore their own relationship with God. Here are a few ways to live out your

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Investing In You – and Your Career

Investing In You – and Your Career

In business, there is a term called ‘Return on Investment’, or ROI, used to determine what sort of benefit you receive from the amount of money or time you put into something. In digital marketing, the number of conversions that lead to purchases (i.e. profit) would be a good

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Eucharistic Revival in the Workplace

Eucharistic Revival in the Workplace

The Eucharist is the source and summit of Christian life. Valuing the Eucharist in the workplace can offer profound insights and practices that can transform our daily life. Here are some tips on how we can integrate the theme of Eucharistic Revival into our day-to-day work: 1. Spirit of Gratitude

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THL2024 Saint Series: Light of the Nations

THL2024 Saint Series: Light of the Nations

This year’s The Hour of the Laity Conference (THL2024): Lumen Gentium (November 7-9th at Christ Cathedral, Orange County, CA) will build upon the success of last year’s conference. It expands upon how the laity, as members of Christ’s body, His Church, have a role in being “A

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Networking Tools & How To Use Them Effectively

Networking Tools & How To Use Them Effectively

So, you’re on the hunt for a job. You’re applying on LinkedIn, Indeed, and any other job search portal you can think of. You’re also meeting people, attending networking events, and putting your foot out there to form connections. Great! However, are you maximizing these tools and

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Ignatian Spirituality at Work

Ignatian Spirituality at Work

We celebrate the Feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola at the end of the month of July. St. Ignatius of Loyola is best known for founding the Jesuits, writing the "The Spiritual Exercises," promoting discernment and “the Examen” in Ignatian spiritual decision making, and leading extensive missionary efforts.

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The Critical Seed That Blossoms and Spreads

The Critical Seed That Blossoms and Spreads

The following is the keynote speech at Tepeyac Leadership Night 2024, by Joe Langenderfer, CFRE: Sincere congratulations to the graduates of the Tepeyac Leadership Initiative 2024 Cohort.    You entered TLI with your own thoughts of service and spiritual self-improvement that were helped shaped by the Holy Spirit. By early June

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